Lawn & Garden
Spring is the best time to work on your lawn. Some considerations for spring are aerating, de-thatching, fertilizing, and over seeding. We are your one stop for all your needs for lawn care and advice.
"We are your one stop for all your
needs for lawn care and advice..."
Lawn & Garden Fertilizers
Chickity Doo Doo
Dr. Earth
Corn Gluten
Lawn Restorer
Organic Fertilizers
Phosphate FREE Fertilizers
Starter Fertilizers
Weed Control
Weed & Feed
Grass Seed Mixes
Annual Rye
Custom Mix
Glamour Sunny Mix
Kentucky Blue Grass Mix
Perennial Rye
Red Fescue Mix
Triple Tall Fescue Mix
Value Blend Mix
We also carry:
Field Dry
Field Marker
IDOT Certified Grass (special order)
Erosion Control Blankets & Staples
Organic Solutions
Blood Meal
Bone & Blood Meal
Bone Meal
Corn Gluten
Diatomaceous Earth
Fish & Kelp Fertilizer
Fish Fertilizer
Garden Lime
Grub Control
Kelp Meal
Milky Spore
Organic Fertilizers
Organic Garden Seeds
Organic Growing Media
Organic Potting & Top Soil
Organic Herbs & Vegetables
Organic Lawn Food
Organic Repellents
Worm Castings
Lawn Care
Cow Manure
Gardening Tools
Grass Seed Mixes
Gravel & Stones
Grub Control
Insect & Pest Control
Lawn Fungicides
Lawn Restorer
Mushroom Compost
Nutralime (Garden Lime)
Organic Solutions
Peat Moss
Straw Blankets
Top Soils
Tree Care Products
Watering Supplies
Worm Castings
Pest Alert!! - Japanese Beetle
Japanese Beetles have been horrible this year. Here are some options for controlling your beetle population and saving your flowers, shrubs, trees and vegetables. Be prepared, there is no quick solution. Use a combination of the products below to kill both the beetles and their larvae (white grubs) and you will help to eliminate and control these pests over time. Please feel free to give us a call or stop by, if you have any questions about the products mentioned below.
Bonide Japanese Beetle Control RTU
-Natural pyrethrum for quick and easy kill of Japanese Beetles.
Bonide Bon-neem RTU
-A broad spectrum fungicide insecticide miticide for control of insects, diseases and mites.
Dr. Earth Vegetable Insect Control
Safer Japanese Beetle Trap.
Sevin RTU or Dust
Tanglefoot Japanese Beetle Traps with floral and sex lure!!
If you have a Japanese Beetles problem you should treat for Grubs!!
We highly recommend Bonide Grub Beater with Systemaxx. One application controls White Grubs all season long.
Barn Owl's 4 Step Program
Step 1
Crabgrass Preventer
Apply March through early May
Do not apply to newly seeded areas or areas that need to be reseeded!!
Step 2
Weed and Feed
Apply May through July
Apply when weeds are young and actively growing.
Step 3
Turf Food
12-12-12, 10-10-10 or 26-0-4 Turf Food by MaxLawn.
Apply June through August or Anytime.
Thickens & Promotes a lush green lawn.
Step 4
6-24-24 or Winterizer by MaxLawn
Apply Sept through November
Important application!!
Helps prepare turf for winter.
What is N-P-K?
N - Nitrogen
Nitrogen gives dark green color to plants and promotes increased leaf and stem growth.Feeds decomposition of organic material.
P- Phosphorus
Phosphorus stimulates early root formation and growth. Gives rapid and vigorous start to plants and winter hardiness to fall seeding.
Prepares grass for winter dormancy.
K- Potash
Increases disease resistance to plants.
Essential to the formation and transfer of starches, sugars and oils. Helps development of root system. Promotes overall health to grass.