2015 Garden Seeds are in!!
Garden Seeds
We are your one stop for all your growing needs. Huge Selection of Organic Seed and Organic Fertilizers!!
Soil Mixes
African Violet Mix
Cactus Mix
Interior and Foliage Mix
Seed Starter
Orchid Mix
Organic Seed Starter
Organic Potting Mix
Moisture Plus Potting Soil
Peat Moss
Ultimate Potting Mix
Growing Media
Bamboo Stakes
Heated Mats
Moisture Plus Potting Soil
Organic Seed Starter
Peat Moss
Peat Pellets
Peat Pots
Peat Strips
Potting Soils
Seed Inoculants
Seed Starter
Soil Tester
Spanish Moss
Tomato Cages
Worm Castings
Garden Seeds
We carry seeds from, Botanical Interests, Ferry Morse and Livingston Seed Company.
Our selection includes Annuals, Perennials, Organic Vegetables and Herbs, Vegetables, Herbs, Heirlooms, Hybrids, Gourds, Pumpkins and Cacti.
We also carry Wild Flowers (special order).
Seed Potatoes Varieties:
Gold Rush Russet
High quality russet, great for baking & boiling. Golden skin & white flesh. Good yields & tolerance to scab. Early to Mid-Season.
Gold Yukon
Produces good crop of golden skinned potatoes with creamy yellow flesh. Superior flavor. Early to Mid-Season.
Irish Cobbler
Very early maturing. Tubers are medium to large in size. Skin is creamy white and flesh is white. Excellent fresh eating quality.
Produces excellent yields of large, thin-skinned, white fleshed tubers. Cooks and bakes wonderfully and is on of the best winter storage. Good blight resistance. Late to Mid-Season variety.
Red LaSoda
High yielding main season cultivar. Bright red skin with white flesh. Good for boiling and baking.
Red Norland
Produces good yield of tubers with smooth red skins. Moist white flesh with high cooking quality. Good resistance to scab. Stores well.
Red Pontiac
Large red tubers with thin red skin and white flesh. Excellent mid to late season. All purpose potato. Stores well.
Russet Burbank
Brown skinned, white flesh cultivar. Late maturing variety. Excellent baking and processing quality. Good long term storage.
Long keeping early white potato. Developed by UW Superior. Matures early with high yields. Bakes & cooks well.
White Onion
Red Onion
Yellow Onion
Garlic Sets
Best Herbs for Indoors
How to Grow Potatoes?
Fertilize soil before planting with composted manure. Fresh manure will burn the
developing potatoes. Then fertilize every two to four weeks with a fertilizer for potatoes that contain low levels of nitrogen, and high levels of phosphorus. 6-24-24, 0-46-0 or 8-24-24,
are good fertilizers for potatoes.
Keep weeds to a minimum, but do not cultivate too near the plants as the roots and tubers are relatively shallow.
Water your seed potatoes when you plant them and whenever the soil becomes dry. Do not overwater as it will cause the potatoes to rot and develop diseases.
Destroy insects as soon as they appear. Some typical potato bugs include the Colorado potato beetle, red slugs and blister beetles. If you are just growing a few potatoes, you can pick the pests o the plants by hand. For a larger crop, you may need to spray.
Potatoes can be attacked by blight and mildew problems. Fungicides will help with fungus diseases.
Planting your potato crop in a new location each year will help reduce the likelihood of pests and diseases that remain in the soil.